
I sometimes teach classes online. If you want access to recordings of prior classes, I recommend subscribing to my Patreon at the Creative Community level. The classes that are already available are:

  • Structuring Life to Support Creativity
  • Creativity vs. Social Media
  • Networking for People with Social Anxiety
  • Introverts Unite! Finding Companions for your Writing Quest (teen version)
  • Successful Crowdfunding
  • Marketing as Storytelling
  • Building Community Around Your Work

Patreon subscription will also give you access to works of short fiction and draft chapters of Sandra’s work in progress, the Structuring Life to Support Creativity Workbook.

Notes from people who have attended some of Sandra’s classes:

Sandra pulls from a deep well of experience, and she provides actionable takeaways that, as a creative, I can apply to my own life immediately. I always walk away feeling seen, understood, and like I have clear next steps. Jessi Honard

Sandra Tayler is the most nurturing instructor I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. She has a knack for seeing to the heart of the real problem you’re struggling with. Her advice is generous and compassionate. Mary Robinette Kowal

Sandra has a knack for cutting to the core of a problem. Her insights into the creative process are unparalleled. –Cedan Bourne

Additional classes will be available

If you want to be alerted to when I’m running a class, please sign up for my newsletter.